for block #542009
A total of 7 transactions found
Trans ID Block Timestamp Type From To Value Fee
907481252… 542009
5 years, 7 months ago
Ordinary Payment S-R8SQ-TUEM-DTHQ-7ATA3
462,996.74837563 SIGNA
158523292… 542009
5 years, 7 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-TDH8-C2GH-2VGH-3G7XB
multiple recipients
see transaction details
642.3666819 SIGNA
0.0441 SIGNA
106772299… 542009
5 years, 7 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-5FB5-FP8T-G8U2-DZV55
multiple recipients
see transaction details
20.70443826 SIGNA
0.0441 SIGNA
103623787… 542009
5 years, 7 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-8UMM-BQRZ-XYG3-CVNST
multiple recipients
see transaction details
29.70054027 SIGNA
0.0441 SIGNA
186163274… 542009
5 years, 7 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-7US5-4R68-N5YB-8Q7R2
multiple recipients
see transaction details
64.92285226 SIGNA
0.0441 SIGNA
503154778… 542009
5 years, 7 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-5DT5-GH7L-EAB9-3AE6A
multiple recipients
see transaction details
178.5406104 SIGNA
0.0441 SIGNA
170522664… 542009
5 years, 7 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-RQFX-P3E6-TSNZ-6UDKH
multiple recipients
see transaction details
20.33111477 SIGNA
0.0441 SIGNA