for address S-739Z-9S5Y-G6T6-48TRE
A total of 1,828 transactions found
Trans ID Block Timestamp Type From To Value Fee
175461257… 1088089
1 year, 9 months ago
Ordinary Payment S-YH2X-BUJR-7DQY-9UK38
IN S-739Z-9S5Y-G6T6-48TRE
245.0 SIGNA
0.01 SIGNA
599314369… 1088081
1 year, 9 months ago
Ordinary Payment S-YH2X-BUJR-7DQY-9UK38
IN S-739Z-9S5Y-G6T6-48TRE
10.0 SIGNA
0.01 SIGNA
176787543… 1082820
1 year, 10 months ago
Ordinary Payment
Has Message
Signum Activation Account
IN S-739Z-9S5Y-G6T6-48TRE
0.01 SIGNA
0.01 SIGNA