for address S-FFTR-8NHY-UY3S-HCLYQ
A total of 138 transactions found
Trans ID Block Timestamp Type From To Value Fee
105604688… 542426
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-K899-VZLT-XA64-2NB54
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
1.34989905 SIGNA
0.02205 SIGNA
135997570… 542415
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-BJCY-NF2B-5GHR-BJT7H
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
1.68820355 SIGNA
0.02205 SIGNA
587792084… 542415
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-62KJ-LC36-QVGW-8MTCG
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
0.37694394 SIGNA
0.02205 SIGNA
384201285… 542402
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-XLXZ-EZY8-6DY8-5L5MN
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
0.89429155 SIGNA
0.00735 SIGNA
320318424… 542369
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-8J99-V4GR-3GKJ-HU42R
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
1.2206879 SIGNA
0.00735 SIGNA
115385755… 542326
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-ZFL6-RTG9-U6XY-8WJLZ
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
0.76972006 SIGNA
0.02205 SIGNA
421299261… 542303
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-K68E-GG8K-J2EQ-2RTYV
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
0.27099733 SIGNA
0.02205 SIGNA
161042606… 542292
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-MW68-UPN6-F98D-EHZJQ
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
0.94020897 SIGNA
0.02205 SIGNA
179536771… 542290
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-S5B7-5DUM-WEED-9EUTR
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
0.1454984 SIGNA
0.02205 SIGNA
507918279… 542272
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-M4NV-G6NU-MRSH-7XZZR
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
1.06224328 SIGNA
0.02205 SIGNA
989429911… 542268
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-GDAC-GEGV-SFYE-4BNLY
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
0.3233113 SIGNA
0.0147 SIGNA
159403629… 542259
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-LXYE-6HHN-7EL4-FAKXA
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
0.42159099 SIGNA
0.0147 SIGNA
640162863… 542254
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-ZPSC-7749-L6C3-DQ3LL
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
1.46178541 SIGNA
0.02205 SIGNA
114174013… 542237
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-8UMM-BQRZ-XYG3-CVNST
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
0.09714589 SIGNA
0.0147 SIGNA
178046499… 542237
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-GNBE-UERB-VYAK-6GMJ3
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
0.08156496 SIGNA
0.0147 SIGNA
180856481… 542236
5 years, 8 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-S2XH-X7WM-ZYGU-GAYBX
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
1.33914324 SIGNA
0.0147 SIGNA
121134908… 542228
5 years, 9 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-68UG-KB3L-FHHS-8SHPU
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
1.3497393 SIGNA
0.0147 SIGNA
134007998… 542192
5 years, 9 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-G5XR-279V-BLPW-GSQVL
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
1.05672681 SIGNA
0.02205 SIGNA
401582990… 542191
5 years, 9 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-5TLS-NHA5-GDN7-8VEKB
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
1.40490405 SIGNA
0.0147 SIGNA
625412815… 542189
5 years, 9 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-MKRU-2J9L-EW2F-4YVVJ
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
0.69530107 SIGNA
0.0147 SIGNA
153086832… 542188
5 years, 9 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-Q8ZM-EURJ-HM3K-B6LGX
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
0.58256032 SIGNA
0.0147 SIGNA
149602996… 542178
5 years, 9 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-UW5S-LRL4-KEPJ-EDN8G
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
2.1932598 SIGNA
0.0147 SIGNA
757873847… 542152
5 years, 9 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-LTGH-F6TQ-E4UV-DPDMM
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
1.71656367 SIGNA
0.02205 SIGNA
613700561… 542151
5 years, 9 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-X7G7-MXF5-LUTN-6CGJK
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
0.87803901 SIGNA
0.02205 SIGNA
110325384… 542150
5 years, 9 months ago
MultiOutSame Payment S-H3TV-JN43-YH5T-EVV6Y
IN multiple recipients
see transaction details
0.52196317 SIGNA
0.02205 SIGNA