Transaction ID
Height 374084
920812 Block Confirmations
Type Bid Order Placement
Token Ticker MTMGaming
Token ID 15836104858047390466
Timestamp 7 years ago (2017-06-23 05:50:36 UTC)
the account has no name
To Bid Order Placement
Value 10 MTMGaming
Fee 1.0 SIGNA ($0.0011)
Version 1
Deadline 1440
Block Timestamp 7 years ago (2017-06-23 06:01:37 UTC)
EC Block ID 13619651738990287236
EC Block Height 374071
Has message no
Has encrypted message no
Has Public Key Announcement no
Has Encrypttoself Message no
Sender Public Key C05E198DB21A42C1150779177E119EAF3E49BB6474007A60C9B8B31120BEFE7D
Signature DD8E495DDB25482934B0F9D8C09EFFFC33B439C2857B6F959E95A10345D7620202E0B2EB7BC21D344B0475070F339EF026E3D96C80357A5AE2F2CA8BCFEBC6D6
Full Hash A5158AAEDF4E640CE7C8DDC0E78AFEAE102DD0FEC97BD28D32D9988C44A88879
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