Transaction ID
Height 1277070
48553 Block Confirmations
Type Distribute to Holders for Token TAR
Timestamp 4 months, 1 week ago (2024-05-14 18:57:46 UTC)
Part Time Miner
To Distribute to Holders
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Value 0.6 SIGNA ($0.0007)
Fee 0.118 SIGNA ($0.0001)
Version 2
Deadline 20
Block Timestamp 4 months, 1 week ago (2024-05-14 19:02:32 UTC)
EC Block ID 13455010257988536483
EC Block Height 1277058
Has message no
Has encrypted message no
Has Public Key Announcement no
Has Encrypttoself Message no
Sender Public Key A95F35110D5643B0C19D5E262ABFD2739EB26E31A1F2E492A86471003AE5EC60
Signature 938570BEF66A9E187B3FB49F658541A37A5176C5A8510BFD1D5C3B32EBA307019A218A8813BB2947919181E45055AE172EFB1CAF3DC4E60016DB83EC6304032A
Full Hash E49DDC781A60E9633B8798C2C3938E9A7B080A7B657A8660A4D3E27C84483A3A
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