Transaction ID
Height 1094444
232427 Block Confirmations
Type Distribute to Holders for Token HOLDER
Timestamp 1 year, 9 months ago (2022-12-24 03:50:04 UTC)
To Distribute to Holders
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Value 205.0 SIGNA ($0.2438)
Fee 0.066 SIGNA ($0.0001)
Version 2
Deadline 20
Block Timestamp 1 year, 9 months ago (2022-12-24 03:53:39 UTC)
EC Block ID 9265664082052606444
EC Block Height 1094431
Has message no
Has encrypted message no
Has Public Key Announcement no
Has Encrypttoself Message no
Sender Public Key E9D601521761B6E3DF6B35AB21A1ED5259244835897F1F79E752B56776B4F050
Signature 59F5773E3533BFE480F89FC56E25A0E898AD24905AA4D30AFA21866F079A4F06A1A35C4CC3D1D96D3A7B559EC9D427DDC55FA8D68A8B69B596D033ECE02A4D6A
Full Hash 1241E774F7EA09371AC387671804DB2B5DAE2828CE60466C9EADCF94E2E399DE
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