Transaction ID
Height 368265
926016 Block Confirmations
Type Reward Recipient Assignment
Timestamp 7 years ago (2017-06-06 23:15:51 UTC)
From S-7TA3-86KP-KQKJ-44BRP
The Fort
To S-32TT-TSAC-HTKW-CC26C | 2.0…
Value 0.0 SIGNA ($0.0)
Fee 1.0 SIGNA ($0.0011)
Version 1
Deadline 1440
Block Timestamp 7 years ago (2017-06-06 23:16:05 UTC)
EC Block ID 8723876690767544838
EC Block Height 368253
Has message no
Has encrypted message no
Has Public Key Announcement no
Has Encrypttoself Message no
Sender Public Key 5030A6EB4D0054A5D5564F86FDE70ED9E2E977071B88B14D3455F6C7B56EF953
Signature 723685C84CFD9246E76718E4902F6B8CB12FAF314236ACFAB68C41846FB9450923AE751C64C2AA49BF00F23595B1F40EE8D08322867EE071DEA30A37BF219B56
Full Hash 6511998EC2836121B7380A0A46DA7B5062BF248F6C8EF340C4006301B7F2F71C
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