Transaction ID
Height 387925
906291 Block Confirmations
Type Ordinary Payment
Timestamp 6 years, 11 months ago (2017-08-01 09:15:34 UTC)
This is the old wallet for Bu…
To S-5U8Y-8KB8-VH74-242R8
Robert Bartl
Value 16.2 SIGNA ($0.0177)
Fee 1.0 SIGNA ($0.0011)
Version 1
Deadline 1440
Block Timestamp 6 years, 11 months ago (2017-08-01 09:16:06 UTC)
EC Block ID 13651450639911702046
EC Block Height 387915
Has message no
Has encrypted message no
Has Public Key Announcement no
Has Encrypttoself Message no
Sender Public Key 1D2AC5DE2CBDD5DDB29F9230341C459F985347A7AC05EED05C643E1A2602262A
Signature 7909ED10A736186AA59F3BCDDC03299C4BA9A8A533EADA521451A8E51AE43107EA4F178E84A7B7602056D6A282FE70B327A5288305D2AEF3C659614514615434
Full Hash F66C156AECBB9B1AE67594986E3CF617910BEF7CE529FBC32804ABE822400A80
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