Transaction ID
Height 1314053
12146 Block Confirmations
Type Distribute to Holders for Token HOLDER
Timestamp 1 month ago (2024-08-25 14:00:46 UTC)
To Distribute to Holders
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Value 3,440.0 SIGNA ($4.0802)
Fee 0.057 SIGNA ($0.0001)
Version 2
Deadline 20
Block Timestamp 1 month ago (2024-08-25 14:03:19 UTC)
EC Block ID 16984021588360745463
EC Block Height 1314042
Has message no
Has encrypted message no
Has Public Key Announcement no
Has Encrypttoself Message no
Sender Public Key E9D601521761B6E3DF6B35AB21A1ED5259244835897F1F79E752B56776B4F050
Signature B2F5E876FC0259219104478FE33549EC9535C750D1FD27CF4FD838600975EF0E0F4879A52AD27649B2E5044A5165A2C37150D7DAB100A0100A80EFD270BC478B
Full Hash F1472B02959174FF9DABC9B1C7D0473EC3A4DA7DA12107190F16AF651A94B613
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