Block #9749450595717113645
Block Height
Timestamp 6 years ago (2018-12-14 01:34:59 UTC)
Transactions 2 transactions in this block
Total Amount 1,932.48931828 SIGNA ($1.4096)
Total Fee 1.1 SIGNA ($0.0008)
Mined by S-NME3-VQ9P-66T4-5NY2X
I want the one with the bigge…
PoCC Pool: 50-50
Generation time 0:03:02
Block Reward 695.1 SIGNA
Miner Fees 1.1 SIGNA
Size 466 bytes
Base Target 172560
Version 3.8.2
Nonce 219829236
Payload Length 466
Payload Hash 517D9077234ABD3F4DB17ADCFA933EBC5E4D0E9CF4A4F8A5FEBAF686666C7905
Cumulative Difficulty 0275524EB68706516D
Generator Public Key E9D97C08C8B11B198ECF34C6C94FD8C5E73732E12743558B007AF9E41C981D5F
Generation Signature 6BA3D20C52EE1C51428BF20D7FDFF307EF8EAF59A145064F4522C05D8D1494EE
Block Signature 8B53C22706B0F16FCAA76017A42F825F8CA76DC9E2CF1A730856205E37A2A60E9C55838055DAB075B4C28025BCFACE837FAFC026A3114F34A7B02206EC2D4984
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