Block #4522437641155863592
Block Height |
Timestamp | 6 years ago (2018-12-10 21:42:40 UTC) |
Transactions | 5 transactions in this block |
Total Amount | 0.15 SIGNA ($0.00012) |
Total Fee | 0.1764 SIGNA ($0.00014) |
Mined by |
Sawedoffsob < Hero of the Coi… |
Pool |
PoCC Pool: 0-100 |
Generation time | 0:08:06 |
Block Reward | 694.1764 SIGNA |
Miner Fees | 0.1764 SIGNA |
Size | 958 bytes |
Base Target | 164843 |
Version | 3.8.2 |
Nonce | 6661227897948750961 |
Payload Length | 958 |
Payload Hash | 20383A7D00477695EA13C730C3640456568124426A49BA7B7740BC9023A90501 |
Cumulative Difficulty | 0271B4ED92965907AC |
Generator Public Key | 9312488F5E5D5082570498C72C909A583736A87948B66040859A44598DBE514B |
Generation Signature | C9A95BBAD916BB6D93D5267C1693B5C57159CFBCE2E97DF77624190E67A15641 |
Block Signature | 41A40E296AB38866141B3B81AB33BECA9224A1D90FF89D6C68CC14BBFCE3870E745D7EA292484240A7CFC8B7A7D2705EFAF1086628C5DEB53562D6A72FDF1BD6 |
Contracts |