Block #4716683156003492772
Block Height
Timestamp 3 months, 2 weeks ago (2024-03-09 19:10:12 UTC)
Transactions 11 transactions in this block
Total Amount 77.10935083 SIGNA ($0.08309)
Total Fee 1.372 SIGNA ($0.00148)
Burnt Fees -1.322 SIGNA
Mined by S-NME3-VQ9P-66T4-5NY2X
I want the one with the bigge…
Pool S-HW9R-3VCP-Y46P-DA5W8
Generation time 0:02:50
Block Reward 100.05 SIGNA
Miner Fees 0.0375 SIGNA
Cashback 0.0125 SIGNA
Size 965 bytes
Base Target 1727551
Version 3.8.2
Nonce 147209622
Payload Length 965
Payload Hash 354B64F6F51956C5B44F08FCFA0D79B30A6594BA801192BD508805CC7F4C5650
Cumulative Difficulty 087F49C92EE5E8FC3B
Generator Public Key E9D97C08C8B11B198ECF34C6C94FD8C5E73732E12743558B007AF9E41C981D5F
Generation Signature 860FF6D2AEA609B112E9D1223612F8ADC75600DEE1AD97007055D1EC14A0C732
Block Signature F3C47554FC7F7886162FAD4DDC8FD1A7F642042B86017C69CF148173D3CD730B8DDD82635F315249628622957F8947C72854517839CB02C931378E621B2AA9D6
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