Address |
ID | 8060510659782407713 |
Name | NFTSRC40 |
Description | {"vs":1,"version":2,"types":["digital art","metaverse","gaming"],"platform":"","descriptor":"bafkreibokjppgpkwxovnqq6zzyfihzmeqwk2yk5mae2uhhexmm2obhbcdy","nm":"A Monument to Transformation","av":{"bafkreief65ryybizyb4guaeqo5b6gvtvzjatyvke2ws5j6bsiy452vkihy":"image/webp"},"ds":"The Cube itself is a marvel of modern architecture. Its gleaming, white exterior is constructed from translucent, sound-dampening panels, creating a serene atmosphere within. Its six perfectly symmetrical sides pay homage to the legendary Rudy's Cube, a testament to the transformative power the rehab center aims to cultivate in its patrons."} |
Creator |
Nivok Spilkommen |
Creation Block | 1253037 |
Version | 2 |
Activation |
0.3 SIGNA ($0.00 @ $0.0009 per SIGNA) |
Code Hash ID | 15155055045342098571 |
State bytes | |
Code bytes |