Address S-962A-UWUS-GXKZ-8BSLT
ID 7839370396288913416
Name BurstCoinValueRaiseViaPR
Description I have contacts/friends around globe that I can use to promote BURST as a good choice to invest ones personal time. Goal is to attract more new people to BURST world which means better BURST network and better BURST coin value. PR handling is done with handing normal fliers and stickers(Social media is also taken in consideration.), which hold core principles in very compact and lameman's terms and website address. Visiting address gives 10 BURST to one to get wallet started. Dedicated server holds website for this project and I will also create an affiliate program so inviting new users to BURST world earns you assets of the project which upholds continuity while assets return profits by number of new users. I intend to do this at global scale for which I gather a small volunteer team. What I need funding first is getting dedicated server and spending my own time to create roadmap. All progress will be completely transparent through dedicated server.Crowdfund
Creator S-MF5B-GYAJ-3WYY-8V758
Creation Block 662682
Version 1
Activation 7.0 SIGNA
($0.01 @ $0.0008 per SIGNA)
Code Hash ID 8850941609898470763
State bytes
Code bytes