Address |
ID | 7023036473154100464 |
Name | SavingTheWorldWithSolarEnergy |
Description | Since burstcoin is the greeenest cryptocoin outthere seems logic, to make this startup here. Im in search of funding and collaboration. The plan is to invest all th emoney on small solar cells for poor communitys, giving them the 40% of the energy generated. This will grant them the posibility of technologies and new oportunities. The other 60% will be invested in reforestation, the wolrd is in need lets help it. As for burstcoin, this iniciative will put the coin on everyones mouths giving the burstcoin a push for sure, its an win win. Please contact me for any collaboration, tips or inquiries. Other proyect in mind is plastic recicling and teaching land optimatization to farmers around the world.#PlantingaNewWolrdCrowdfund |
Creator |
Jade Corp |
Creation Block | 406024 |
Version | 1 |
Activation |
7.0 SIGNA ($0.01 @ $0.0008 per SIGNA) |
Code Hash ID | 8850941609898470763 |
State bytes | |
Code bytes |