Address S-7S28-A44J-6MKK-5FRC3
ID 3506876121226600454
Name opmac
Description Really liked what I have learned so far. Purchased a 4TB HD to begin mining. Just looking for some Burst to help reimburse part of the initial investment. I follow some other coins as well and will be with the Burst and crypto community for a long while. I am also considering purchasing another 5 TB drive to help the Burs community. Thanks to all in advance.Crowdfund
Creator S-QU2G-RTSJ-A79E-CLP3B
Creation Block 277380
Version 1
Activation 7.0 SIGNA
($0.01 @ $0.001 per SIGNA)
Code Hash ID 8850941609898470763
State bytes
Code bytes