Address |
ID | 3138711543607432991 |
Name | HighSchoolCompSciBurstProject |
Description | Hello.. I am a High School AP Computer science teacher. My 11 kids are the best of the best for their age. They want to give to the Burst community new mining/plotting tools, new wallets or whatever the Burst community can use. We plan to work on this through the rest of the school year, over the summer and into the next school year as they will all be returning to my class in the Fall of 2018. We would like to raise some funds to support their efforts. Anything you can pledge would be greatly appreciated.Crowdfund |
Creator |
NorCalBurstMonster |
Creation Block | 482847 |
Version | 1 |
Activation |
7.0 SIGNA ($0.01 @ $0.0009 per SIGNA) |
Code Hash ID | 8850941609898470763 |
State bytes | |
Code bytes |