Address |
ID | 2267710367736036483 |
Name | NFTSmartC |
Description | Be owner of SmartC keywords, support the project and also make an investment! The first multi function and multi items smart contract on Signum blockchain, created with SmartC. Available items: asm, break, const, continue, do, else, exit, for, goto, halt, if, long, return, sleep, struct, void, while. Send a message to get an updated website with instructions and NFT status! General commands: `status item`, `buy item`, `bid item`. Owner only commands: `hold item`, `sell item price`, `auction item startingbid`. Only unencrypted messages are processed. Contract activation amount is 2 signa. Partial activation is refunded for simple commands. Support fee for SmartC is 3% deducted from seller during ownership transfer. Auction ends in 4 day after last accepted bid and has an additional gas fee of 1 signa. If a transaction arrives two hours before an auction end, contract stays awake to avoid delays on payments, if not, it will be ended at next incoming message. |
Creator |
Rui Deleterium |
Creation Block | 899663 |
Version | 2 |
Activation |
2.0 SIGNA ($0.00 @ $0.0008 per SIGNA) |
Code Hash ID | 14243458965273067921 |
State bytes | |
Code bytes |