Address S-W3FH-E2N2-4UX6-EFJ7T
ID 14741985136883926447
Name PleaseHelp
Description please help me to get 4TB HDD used. after my hard fail and all my data gone and i am in a third country that the money earning is not easy and prices for these things is very expensive all i have right now is 15$ and i need at lest 35$ more to go . please help it is very important because i earn money from my computer cause i lost my job recently and looking to get a new job right now.Crowdfund
Creator S-H4EH-Y5JV-8ZZA-7KLTT
Omar Hesham
Creation Block 398185
Version 1
Activation 7.0 SIGNA
($0.01 @ $0.0009 per SIGNA)
Code Hash ID 8850941609898470763
State bytes
Code bytes