Address S-4TC5-EY6E-9LHE-89NJJ
ID 7512716007153165635
Name BMF - Healing Winds
Description This node is setup in support of the BMF 50. Frank, hes our tank!! What a machine! Thanks for everything. BAT and BAM coming soon!!
Total Balance 41.84590922 SIGNA
($0.03 @ $0.0007 per SIGNA)
Free Balance 41.84590922 SIGNA
($0.03 @ $0.0007 per SIGNA)
Locked Balance 0.0 SIGNA
($0.00 @ $0.0007 per SIGNA)
Public Key 3E656225F284E72AE430D5313C0FB01AB71000829B87D1B35C3514C6DB125970
at block 578013
Creation Block 578009
Pool S-8UT4-6PJ4-M298-A3PYR