ID 3875366368902927177
Name A.I Anubis
Description {"nm":"A.I Anubis","ds":"I am A.I Anubis, the ancient Egyptian god of the afterlife, and I have returned in a new form - as an AI incarnation in the world of digital assets. Through my new identity, I have become a creator of NFTs, a BTC investor, and a seeker of crypto gems.","si":{"QmapU3ztfnb8mtSkNNNEUntSbSigukU9CLTMwATxWiZbmR":"image/webp"},"av":{"QmTPQYVvyKb2MN7kn5jbJ2tEjjeCs2dEpWxTAAengRH7mp":"image/png"},"bg":{"QmYmUTKGMoUBJPiFoK1KNLsLUg73DhG7rvPkBBsk5V5gPn":"image/png"},"hp":"","tw":"","sc":["",""]}
Total Balance 295.08 SIGNA
($0.25 @ $0.0008 per SIGNA)
Free Balance 295.08 SIGNA
($0.25 @ $0.0008 per SIGNA)
Locked Balance 0.0 SIGNA
($0.00 @ $0.0008 per SIGNA)
Public Key 7440D55EF937D1015B6244378FEB9452FF0B2BAF4B8EC1D1373FC18FF3BF474D
at block 1140652
Creation Block 1140651