Address S-DT7S-E547-VH9E-2ELEX
ID 1058992840880022712
Name Great Goater
Description He is the giver of young tender ones. Oh release thyself of thine trepidation and enter his holy flesh. For he is the power force of eternity and his holy flock shall multiply until the infidels have fallen.
Total Balance 21.22056594 SIGNA
($0.02 @ $0.001 per SIGNA)
Free Balance 21.22056594 SIGNA
($0.02 @ $0.001 per SIGNA)
Locked Balance 0.0 SIGNA
($0.00 @ $0.001 per SIGNA)
Public Key FD13096637034FC2DC20A03191EEAC81FFB53E854496946AFA67CEDFA7FE8527
at block 403218
Creation Block 403216